
Dental services in Manalapan, NJ

Our goal is to provide quality dental health care, routine preventive and restorative services.

General topics


One serious form of decay among infants and young children is baby bottle tooth decay. The cause of this condition is frequent and long exposure of the teeth to liquids that contain sugar, including milk/breast milk, formula, fruit juice, and soft drinks. While the child is asleep the sugary liquid is not completely swallowed and pools around the front teeth, and the bacteria living in every baby's mouth converts the sugars to acid which causes cavities. Baby bottle tooth decay (early childhood cavities) can also affect the teeth of a toddler who is allowed to drink sugary beverages from a bottle or sippy cup frequently throughout the day.


Some individuals have specific allergies to certain medications or materials. You will be asked about any specific allergies your child may have on the new-patient questionnaire. Be sure to let us know prior to treatment if your child has allergies to any of the following:
  • Antibiotics
  • Dental Anesthetics
  • Latex


An abscess is a pocket of infection located at either the end of the root or along the lateral surface of the root. A periapical (root tip) abscess is usually caused by a deep cavity or trauma to the tooth that has caused nerve damage. The treatment for a periapically abscessed tooth will require either PULP THERAPY or an EXTRACTION. A lateral abscess is usually related to periodontitis (gum disease). An abscessed tooth is usually painful but may only be detected on an x-ray and treated before the patient experiences discomfort. Left untreated an abscess may compromise the immune system and in extreme cases may become life-threatening.


An ankylosed tooth is a tooth that appears to be out of line with neighboring teeth. This condition can occur in both primary (baby) teeth and permanent teeth and can occur at any stage of development or eruption. The cause of this condition is uncertain. The diagnosis is based on examination and x-ray.


  • Clean your child's teeth after each feeding by wiping the teeth and gums with a damp washcloth or gauze pad.
  • Never allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle that contains milk, formula, fruit juices or any other sweetened liquids.
  • Never allow your child to carry around a bottle or sippy cup filled with milk, formula, fruit juices or any sweetened liquids for long periods of time as a pacifier. If your child needs comfort or is thirsty give him plain water.
  • Make sure your child gets the fluoride needed to prevent cavities.
  • Schedule your child's dental appointment by his first birthday.


Healthy gums should not bleed. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation or infection. Brush and floss the area well and contact us for an appointment if bleeding persists. Since an early stage of gum disease is rarely painful, bleeding gums may be your only indication.


Thumb sucking by infants and young children is a natural reflex. It often makes them feel secure and content and may induce drowsiness making them fall asleep. It also provides a sense of security at difficult periods. Prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier sucking beyond the eruption of the permanent teeth can interfere with the proper growth of the mouth and the alignment of the teeth. The problems that can occur as a result of thumb sucking or a pacifier depends upon the duration, intensity, and frequency of the habit. The most common developmental problem caused by prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use is the development of an anterior open - bite. The open- bite can lead to a secondary tongue thrust with associated speech defects. Pacifiers should be discontinued as early as possible depending on the age and maturity of the child. Recommendations can be made to help stop both habits.


Cavities begin when the plaque (bacteria) on the teeth combine with sugars and carbohydrates of food particles left on and in between the teeth to produce acid. The acidity then begins to weaken the hard enamel shell around the teeth causing demineralization. If left unchecked a cavity (hole) will develop in the enamel which will rapidly spread to the softer dentin which lies under the enamel. If the cavity is diagnosed in time, usually a restoration (filling) will correct the problem. A very large cavity may require a crown (cap). However, if not treated a cavity can spread into the pulp (nerve) and cause an abscess requiring pulp therapy, root canal therapy or extraction.


Tooth brushing is the most important first step in preventing cavities. Teeth need to be cleaned from the time they appear. Just like bathing and hair-washing, cleaning the teeth is a part of a child's general hygienic needs and it must be managed by the parents until a child is capable of doing it himself. Initially, the front teeth of a baby can be cleaned with a wash cloth or gauze pad after every meal. No toothpaste is necessary. When back teeth start erupting, a small soft bristle brush should be used by a parent with a small amount of training toothpaste to clean the teeth. Because infants are not old enough to rinse, the use of fluoride toothpaste should be avoided so that a child does not ingest excessive fluoride. There are many child-oriented brushes to choose from that can make brushing fun. As a child grows, the use of a small amount of fluoride toothpaste will strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent cavities. Our Smile Team provides instructions on proper brushing and flossing techniques. Teeth should be brushed twice-a-day or after every meal.


  • Good oral hygiene. Brushing at least twice a day and daily flossing removes bacteria and food particles that combine to create cavities. For infants the use of a wet gauze or washcloth can be used instead of a brush.
  • Brushing the teeth after your child takes vitamins or syrupy medicines
  • Healthy eating habits. A well balanced diet is essential to the development of strong teeth and healthy soft tissue of the mouth. Children should eat a variety of foods from the five major food groups. Many inappropriate snacks that children are given to eat can lead to cavities. Snacking on sugary foods or beverages will promote tooth decay. The form of sugar, time of day and the frequency are factors that must be considered.

  1. Forms of Sugar: Foods that are sticky, crumbly, or syrupy are more harmful.
  2. Time of the Day: Sweets are more harmful when eaten between meals then at meal time.
  3. Frequency: Frequent snacking or sipping a sugared beverage over a prolonged period of time is more harmful than consuming it all at once.


Tooth grinding is a common occurrence in both children and adults. It often occurs at night and can be heard by a parent while the child sleeps. Sometimes a parent may notice wear to the teeth (teeth getting shorter). Reasons for grinding may include stress, erupting teeth, or pressure to the inner ear at night. Usually, childhood bruxism does not require any treatment. If there are signs of excessive wear to the permanent teeth, a night guard may be needed.


The most common form of gum disease in children is gingivitis. It starts when plaque and tartar are not removed regularly through proper brushing and flossing. The bacteria in the plaque causes an infection in the gingiva (gums) called gingivitis. If untreated, the infection spreads to the tissue and bone that hold your teeth in place, a condition called periodontitis. The usual signs of gingivitis include red, swollen and/or sore gums. Early intervention and treatment will prevent the gingivitis from becoming periodontitis.


There are two forms of tooth discoloration. Exogenous (surface staining) can be caused by frequent drinking of coffee, sodas, or tea, inadequate oral hygiene, some antibiotics, and use of tobacco products. A professional cleaning by a dentist can remedy exogenous tooth discoloration. In extreme cases, bleaching might be necessary.

The other form of tooth discoloration is endogenous (from within the tooth). This occurs if a tooth has been injured. Sometimes the nerve will gradually “die” and the tooth will become dark. A root canal treatment can sometimes cause a tooth to darken. Endogenous discoloration can be remedied by bonding, veneers, or crowns.


The cause of the toothache can be difficult for a parent to determine. The best advice is to call our office immediately. Do not try to treat the problem yourself by placing aspirin or heat on the aching gum or tooth. If swelling is present, immediate attention is necessary.


Apply direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth to stop or slow bleeding. If the wound is severe and does not stop bleeding, call the office or immediately go to the emergency room at the hospital. To treat a bruised lip where there is little or no bleeding, apply an ice pack to injured area to help control swelling.


Tongue thrusting occurs when a child places his tongue against his front teeth before, and during, the act of swallowing. Normally, the tongue should be placed on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth. The tongue placed against the teeth develops the upper arch faster than the lower arch, protruding the front teeth. Tongue thrusting may also occur when a persistent pacifier or tongue habit forces an open - bite (when the top teeth don't vertically overlap the bottom teeth).

Tongue thrusting can often be associated with speech impediments.


Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of the fracture and whether the tooth is a primary or permanent tooth. Remove the fractured piece to prevent choking and do not have your child chew on anything hard. Chipped teeth can sometimes be bonded to restore proper esthetics and function. A very small chip can be corrected by enamel shaping. A severely fractured tooth may need a crown (cap) and root canal therapy.


Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of mobility of the loosened tooth and whether the tooth is a primary (baby) or permanent tooth. The injured tooth may be allowed to “tighten- up “on its own or may need to be stabilized. An injured tooth may turn dark or abscess after an accident. These changes may happen immediately, or years later.


Find the tooth and call the office. Control bleeding with direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth. The knocked out primary tooth cannot be re-implanted.


Find the tooth and call the office. Sometimes if the tooth is placed back in its socket soon enough, the tooth can be saved. Time is critical. Do not handle the root of the tooth or wipe the tooth clean. If tooth is intact, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have your child hold the tooth in place by biting on gauze or a cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, place the tooth in a cup containing the child's saliva or milk. If the child is old enough, the tooth may be placed in the mouth besides the cheek while you are transporting the child to the dental office.

Dental services in Manalapan, NJ

Our goal is to provide quality dental health care, routine preventive and restorative services.

General topics


One serious form of decay among infants and young children is baby bottle tooth decay. The cause of this condition is frequent and long exposure of the teeth to liquids that contain sugar, including milk/breast milk, formula, fruit juice, and soft drinks. While the child is asleep the sugary liquid is not completely swallowed and pools around the front teeth, and the bacteria living in every baby's mouth converts the sugars to acid which causes cavities. Baby bottle tooth decay (early childhood cavities) can also affect the teeth of a toddler who is allowed to drink sugary beverages from a bottle or sippy cup frequently throughout the day.


Some individuals have specific allergies to certain medications or materials. You will be asked about any specific allergies your child may have on the new-patient questionnaire. Be sure to let us know prior to treatment if your child has allergies to any of the following:
  • Antibiotics
  • Dental Anesthetics
  • Latex


An abscess is a pocket of infection located at either the end of the root or along the lateral surface of the root. A periapical (root tip) abscess is usually caused by a deep cavity or trauma to the tooth that has caused nerve damage. The treatment for a periapically abscessed tooth will require either PULP THERAPY or an EXTRACTION. A lateral abscess is usually related to periodontitis (gum disease). An abscessed tooth is usually painful but may only be detected on an x-ray and treated before the patient experiences discomfort. Left untreated an abscess may compromise the immune system and in extreme cases may become life-threatening.


An ankylosed tooth is a tooth that appears to be out of line with neighboring teeth. This condition can occur in both primary (baby) teeth and permanent teeth and can occur at any stage of development or eruption. The cause of this condition is uncertain. The diagnosis is based on examination and x-ray.


  • Clean your child's teeth after each feeding by wiping the teeth and gums with a damp washcloth or gauze pad.
  • Never allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle that contains milk, formula, fruit juices or any other sweetened liquids.
  • Never allow your child to carry around a bottle or sippy cup filled with milk, formula, fruit juices or any sweetened liquids for long periods of time as a pacifier. If your child needs comfort or is thirsty give him plain water.
  • Make sure your child gets the fluoride needed to prevent cavities.
  • Schedule your child's dental appointment by his first birthday.


Healthy gums should not bleed. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation or infection. Brush and floss the area well and contact us for an appointment if bleeding persists. Since an early stage of gum disease is rarely painful, bleeding gums may be your only indication.


Thumb sucking by infants and young children is a natural reflex. It often makes them feel secure and content and may induce drowsiness making them fall asleep. It also provides a sense of security at difficult periods. Prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier sucking beyond the eruption of the permanent teeth can interfere with the proper growth of the mouth and the alignment of the teeth. The problems that can occur as a result of thumb sucking or a pacifier depends upon the duration, intensity, and frequency of the habit. The most common developmental problem caused by prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use is the development of an anterior open - bite. The open- bite can lead to a secondary tongue thrust with associated speech defects. Pacifiers should be discontinued as early as possible depending on the age and maturity of the child. Recommendations can be made to help stop both habits.


Cavities begin when the plaque (bacteria) on the teeth combine with sugars and carbohydrates of food particles left on and in between the teeth to produce acid. The acidity then begins to weaken the hard enamel shell around the teeth causing demineralization. If left unchecked a cavity (hole) will develop in the enamel which will rapidly spread to the softer dentin which lies under the enamel. If the cavity is diagnosed in time, usually a restoration (filling) will correct the problem. A very large cavity may require a crown (cap). However, if not treated a cavity can spread into the pulp (nerve) and cause an abscess requiring pulp therapy, root canal therapy or extraction.


Tooth brushing is the most important first step in preventing cavities. Teeth need to be cleaned from the time they appear. Just like bathing and hair-washing, cleaning the teeth is a part of a child's general hygienic needs and it must be managed by the parents until a child is capable of doing it himself. Initially, the front teeth of a baby can be cleaned with a wash cloth or gauze pad after every meal. No toothpaste is necessary. When back teeth start erupting, a small soft bristle brush should be used by a parent with a small amount of training toothpaste to clean the teeth. Because infants are not old enough to rinse, the use of fluoride toothpaste should be avoided so that a child does not ingest excessive fluoride. There are many child-oriented brushes to choose from that can make brushing fun. As a child grows, the use of a small amount of fluoride toothpaste will strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent cavities. Our Smile Team provides instructions on proper brushing and flossing techniques. Teeth should be brushed twice-a-day or after every meal.


  • Good oral hygiene. Brushing at least twice a day and daily flossing removes bacteria and food particles that combine to create cavities. For infants the use of a wet gauze or washcloth can be used instead of a brush.
  • Brushing the teeth after your child takes vitamins or syrupy medicines
  • Healthy eating habits. A well balanced diet is essential to the development of strong teeth and healthy soft tissue of the mouth. Children should eat a variety of foods from the five major food groups. Many inappropriate snacks that children are given to eat can lead to cavities. Snacking on sugary foods or beverages will promote tooth decay. The form of sugar, time of day and the frequency are factors that must be considered.

  1. Forms of Sugar: Foods that are sticky, crumbly, or syrupy are more harmful.
  2. Time of the Day: Sweets are more harmful when eaten between meals then at meal time.
  3. Frequency: Frequent snacking or sipping a sugared beverage over a prolonged period of time is more harmful than consuming it all at once.


Tooth grinding is a common occurrence in both children and adults. It often occurs at night and can be heard by a parent while the child sleeps. Sometimes a parent may notice wear to the teeth (teeth getting shorter). Reasons for grinding may include stress, erupting teeth, or pressure to the inner ear at night. Usually, childhood bruxism does not require any treatment. If there are signs of excessive wear to the permanent teeth, a night guard may be needed.


The most common form of gum disease in children is gingivitis. It starts when plaque and tartar are not removed regularly through proper brushing and flossing. The bacteria in the plaque causes an infection in the gingiva (gums) called gingivitis. If untreated, the infection spreads to the tissue and bone that hold your teeth in place, a condition called periodontitis. The usual signs of gingivitis include red, swollen and/or sore gums. Early intervention and treatment will prevent the gingivitis from becoming periodontitis.


There are two forms of tooth discoloration. Exogenous (surface staining) can be caused by frequent drinking of coffee, sodas, or tea, inadequate oral hygiene, some antibiotics, and use of tobacco products. A professional cleaning by a dentist can remedy exogenous tooth discoloration. In extreme cases, bleaching might be necessary.

The other form of tooth discoloration is endogenous (from within the tooth). This occurs if a tooth has been injured. Sometimes the nerve will gradually “die” and the tooth will become dark. A root canal treatment can sometimes cause a tooth to darken. Endogenous discoloration can be remedied by bonding, veneers, or crowns.


The cause of the toothache can be difficult for a parent to determine. The best advice is to call our office immediately. Do not try to treat the problem yourself by placing aspirin or heat on the aching gum or tooth. If swelling is present, immediate attention is necessary.


Apply direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth to stop or slow bleeding. If the wound is severe and does not stop bleeding, call the office or immediately go to the emergency room at the hospital. To treat a bruised lip where there is little or no bleeding, apply an ice pack to injured area to help control swelling.


Tongue thrusting occurs when a child places his tongue against his front teeth before, and during, the act of swallowing. Normally, the tongue should be placed on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth. The tongue placed against the teeth develops the upper arch faster than the lower arch, protruding the front teeth. Tongue thrusting may also occur when a persistent pacifier or tongue habit forces an open - bite (when the top teeth don't vertically overlap the bottom teeth).

Tongue thrusting can often be associated with speech impediments.


Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of the fracture and whether the tooth is a primary or permanent tooth. Remove the fractured piece to prevent choking and do not have your child chew on anything hard. Chipped teeth can sometimes be bonded to restore proper esthetics and function. A very small chip can be corrected by enamel shaping. A severely fractured tooth may need a crown (cap) and root canal therapy.


Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of mobility of the loosened tooth and whether the tooth is a primary (baby) or permanent tooth. The injured tooth may be allowed to “tighten- up “on its own or may need to be stabilized. An injured tooth may turn dark or abscess after an accident. These changes may happen immediately, or years later.


Find the tooth and call the office. Control bleeding with direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth. The knocked out primary tooth cannot be re-implanted.


Find the tooth and call the office. Sometimes if the tooth is placed back in its socket soon enough, the tooth can be saved. Time is critical. Do not handle the root of the tooth or wipe the tooth clean. If tooth is intact, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have your child hold the tooth in place by biting on gauze or a cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, place the tooth in a cup containing the child's saliva or milk. If the child is old enough, the tooth may be placed in the mouth besides the cheek while you are transporting the child to the dental office.



Bonding is a restorative dental technique used most often to repair a broken tooth. It can also be used to cosmetically improve the appearance of a misshapen tooth or to fill the gap between front teeth.


Cleaning (oral prophylaxis) is part of a child’s “check-up” appointment. At this appointment, the Dentist, or Dental Hygienist removes harmful plaque and tartar (calculus) both above and below the gum line. Smile Team members give special instructions to parents and children on proper brushing and flossing to keep the teeth cleaned in areas where significant build-up is found. Since our practice is dedicated to prevention we believe in the importance of early detection and treatment. During the check-up appointment your child will be screened for:

  • Cavities
  • Gum Disease
  • Oral Cancer
  • Abnormal eruption of primary and permanent teeth


Stainless steel crowns are used to save a primary tooth until a permanent tooth can erupt and takes its place. A crown protects, seals and strengthens a tooth in the following situations:

  • After a large cavity has been removed
  • After a pulpotomy has been performed
  • Correction of a malformed tooth
  • Preservation of a tooth with severe attrition

Placing a stainless steel crown requires one appointment. Tooth colored crowns can be placed on front teeth.


Extraction is the complete removal of a primary or a permanent tooth and can be either surgical or non-surgical. An extraction can be done at the office or may be referred to an oral surgeon. Extractions may be necessary because:

  • A primary tooth might be in the way of an erupting permanent tooth
  • An abscessed tooth is too infected to be saved
  • A tooth has a cavity that is too deep for it to be saved
  • A tooth is broken at the gum line
  • A tooth is impacted (usually a “Wisdom Tooth”)
  • It is necessary to facilitate orthodontic treatment
  • Advanced gum disease is present


Fillings are the most common restorative procedures for teeth that have cavities. They fill the void in the tooth when the decay is removed and restore the tooth to normal function. Fillings can be silver (amalgam) or tooth colored (composite).


Fluoride is an element which helps reduce cavities. In the past, cavities were a fact of life, but dental decay has been reduced dramatically due to fluoride. In fact, research has shown that fluoride reduces cavities up to 40% in children.

Children’s teeth benefit from fluoride both systemically (by ingesting fluoride) and topically (the fluoride that gets on their teeth). Systemic and topical fluoride work together to keep teeth strong and work best in children while teeth are forming. The fluoride helps both primary (baby) and permanent teeth. Starting at six months of age, and until all permanent teeth have fully erupted, ingested fluoride helps strengthen teeth as they are forming. Topical fluoride is beneficial to people of all ages.

It is important that a child gets the right amount of fluoride. Too little fluoride will not strengthen the teeth to help them reduce cavities, while too much fluoride ingestion by preschool aged children will lead to fluorosis which is a chalky white discoloration of the permanent teeth. Being aware of the amount of fluoride a child receives can help prevent the possibility of fluorosis.

To ensure that your child receives the appropriate amount of fluoride, the following steps should be taken:

  • Establish whether your city water supply is fluoridated. Check with your water supply company.
  • If your family uses well water or bottled water you should have your water tested to see if there is adequate natural fluoride.
  • Brush your baby’s teeth with a small amount of training toothpaste (non-fluoride).
  • Supervise and brush a very young child’s teeth with a small amount of children’s fluoride toothpaste.
  • Account for all sources of ingested fluoride before requesting a fluoride supplement from your child’s physician or pediatric dentist.

Topical fluoride is provided by fluoride toothpaste, in-office fluoride treatments, and rinses when indicated.


The frenum is a piece of soft tissue that attaches the muscles of the cheeks and lips to the gums and tissues of the mouth. The frenum under the lip can sometimes be attached too high on the gums causing either recession or spaces between the top front teeth. There is another frenum under the tongue that can be attached too close to the end of the tongue and can adversely affect swallowing and speech. This is sometimes referred to as being “tongue tied.”

A frenectomy is a procedure where either part or all of the frenum is removed in order to return a health balance to the mouth.

Nitrous Oxide Analgesia

Nitrous oxide analgesia (sweet air, laughing gas) is used in pediatric dentistry to help a child relax and be more comfortable during a dental procedure. The aim is to provide a more positive experience during dental treatment. A blend of nitrous oxide and oxygen is breathed through a small nasal mask. Nitrous oxide analgesia is not a general anesthetic and does not put a child to sleep but he/she remains fully conscious at all times. The effect wears off before the child is dismissed. The use of nitrous oxide in treating the dental needs of children has been recognized by the American academy of pediatric dentistry to be a very safe and effective technique.

Infection Control

Our office adheres to the standards established by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). We share your concern about the spread of disease and work hard to safeguard our patients and staff against infection. Our Smile Team always wear gloves and protective wear during their procedures. After each patient, we discard our gloves, wash our hands, and wear new gloves. We also begin protection against infection long before your child enters the treatment room. All surfaces are cleaned, disinfected and all instruments are sterilized after their use or disposed of.

Mouth Guard

Mouth guards fit over the upper teeth to prevent broken or chipped teeth due to tooth contact which can occur as a result of trauma to the mouth or face. They are also effective in moving soft tissue in the oral cavity away from the teeth, preventing laceration and bruising of the lips and cheeks especially for children who wear braces. There are two types of mouth guards, one is an “over the counter” mouth guard and the other is a custom, “professional quality” mouth guard. This mouth guard requires an impression of the mouth and is fabricated by a dental laboratory. It is smaller in size, fits more securely and provides several advantages, including:

  • More comfortable fit – more likely to be worn consistently
  • Less restricted breathing
  • Clearer speech

Although mouth guards are required for contact sports like football and hockey they are also appropriate for “non contact” sports such as baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and gymnastics where incidental contact with objects and other participants is common.

Night Guard

A night guard is an appliance made to fit over the top or lower teeth to prevent wear to the teeth caused by bruxism (grinding teeth). When worn at night, the patient cannot grind his teeth together and cause further damage.

Pulp Therapy

Pulp therapy is often referred to as nerve treatment (children’s root canal), pulpotomy or pulpectomy.

The pulp of the tooth is the inner part of the tooth which contains nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue, and reparative cells; it is the living part of the tooth. When the pulp becomes infected or abscessed due to cavities or traumatic injury, a pulpotomy or pulpectomy may be necessary to save the tooth.

During a pulpotomy the diseased pulp tissue within the crown portion of the tooth is removed and a sedative medication is placed inside the tooth to prevent bacterial growth, prevent sensitivity, and to promote healing.

A pulpectomy is often referred to as a root canal treatment. During a pulpectomy the diseased pulp tissue is completely removed from the crown and root. Following pulp therapy, a tooth becomes more brittle and must be crowned to give the tooth strength for chewing pressures.


Sealants are white or tooth-shaded plastic material that is bonded to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where teeth are most susceptible to cavities. The sealant acts as a barrier to food, plaque, and acid, thereby protecting the decay prone areas of the teeth. They can be used on permanent or primary teeth. Applying sealant is a painless, non-invasive procedure that doesn’t require (drilling) or anesthetic.

Space Maintainer

When a child loses a tooth prematurely, the adjacent teeth can shift into the new space crowding the permanent tooth that is supposed to erupt into that space in the future. The space maintainer is made to keep the primary teeth from shifting into the space where the tooth was lost so the permanent tooth can erupt into its natural proper place. When the permanent tooth erupts, the space maintainer is removed. Space maintainers are important because they can help avoid the need for future orthodontic treatment.


Radiographs (X-Rays) are important to identify problems that aren’t externally visible. They are an essential part of a complete and thorough dental examination. Without them, certain dental conditions can be missed. X-Rays show cavities that can’t be seen visibly, and they are important to diagnose the extent of cavities and whether a tooth with a cavity has an abscess. They also are helpful in the early diagnosis of growth and developmental defects, and this early diagnosis can often prevent the need for more extensive treatment. Our practice is particularly careful to minimize the frequency of x-rays. A lead body apron and thyroid shield is used along with high-speed film to assure that your child receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure. The x-ray represents a far smaller risk than an untreated dental problem.


Whitening is a mild bleaching procedure that restores stained or discolored teeth to a healthy natural color. Tooth discoloration can be caused by frequent drinking of coffee, sodas, or tea, inadequate oral hygiene, some antibiotics and use of tobacco products.

Bleaching can be done with an “over the counter” product or by use of custom bleaching trays.

Emergency Services Available


Whitening is a mild bleaching procedure that restores stained or discolored teeth to a healthy natural color. Tooth discoloration can be caused by frequent drinking of coffee, sodas, or tea, inadequate oral hygiene, some antibiotics and use of tobacco products.

Bleaching can be done with an “over the counter” product or by use of custom bleaching trays.

Lacerated (CUT) Lip Or Tongue

Apply direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth to stop or slow bleeding. If the wound is severe and does not stop bleeding, call the office or immediately go to the emergency room at the hospital. To treat a bruised lip where there is little or no bleeding, apply an ice pack to injured area to help control swelling.

Loose Tooth From Injury

Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of mobility of the loosened tooth and whether the tooth is a primary (baby) or permanent tooth. The injured tooth may be allowed to “tighten- up “on its own or may need to be stabilized. An injured tooth may turn dark or abscess after an accident. These changes may happen immediately, or years later.

Broken or Chipped Tooth

Call the office so a determination can be made regarding the need to see your child. The need for treatment will be determined by the degree of the fracture and whether the tooth is a primary or permanent tooth. Remove the fractured piece to prevent choking and do not have your child chew on anything hard. Chipped teeth can sometimes be bonded to restore proper esthetics and function. A very small chip can be corrected by enamel shaping. A severely fractured tooth may need a crown (cap) and root canal therapy.

Knocked Out Primary Tooth

Find the tooth and call the office. Control bleeding with direct firm pressure with gauze or cloth. The knocked out primary tooth cannot be re-implanted.

Knocked Out Permanent Tooth

Find the tooth and call the office. Sometimes if the tooth is placed back in its socket soon enough, the tooth can be saved. Time is critical. Do not handle the root of the tooth or wipe the tooth clean. If tooth is intact, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have your child hold the tooth in place by biting on gauze or a cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, place the tooth in a cup containing the child’s saliva or milk. If the child is old enough, the tooth may be placed in the mouth besides the cheek while you are transporting the child to the dental office.
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